I spent Saturday out with Scott and Jarek at a party hosted by friends of theirs. Someone was leaving to go overseas, all a bit familiar. It was a cool day and it was raining, but that didn't damper anything and I had a great afternoon. William was having some people over for drinks that evening and we were to leave this party and join William for his drinks. I guess we were suppose to leave by 7.30pm but at 8.30pm we were still at the first party. I didn't think anything of it as it was Will's friends just coming over to have a drink with him, well that's what i thought until we finally rocked up. Scott and I were giggling drunk as we walked up the stairs of Will's apartment to which we were greeted by a big 'finally' from Will and the faces of all my friends, even Parker from New York was there. William had thrown a suprise farewell party for me, and Scott got me there late. There were more drinks, food and a absolutely fabulous cake created by Silvia which she apparently based on the photo of me lying on Haulover Nudist Beach, Miami. I was stoked, and then of course I got drunk. The party attendees was of everyone that I had become close to while in San Francisco, people I call true friends. After spending a lot if time in San Francisco I ended up knowing a lot of people, but these people were the important ones
The following day we hit El Rio. I like going to El Rio even though I'm not a salsa dancer. Its usually a great afternoon to sip on 2 or if I dare 3 of Christina's margarita's. They are strong but good. I don't know of an outdoor salsa bar here in Sydney, not sure if we have the Hispanic community to influence such an activity. Afterwards we had a spot of dinner in the Castro and then off to the bars. Parker and I were the last ones standing, and finally when we got home proceeded to drink and make a mess of Williams kitchen by trying to pack portions of the left over cake into zip lock bags and putting them into the freezer. What a mess!
Receiving my gift with the now infamous AussieBum cake in the background

The unvailed present, a singlet top with a print on the chest of my naked body lying on
Haulover Park Beach
Courtney & myself

Myself & Kevin

Courtney & Kevin, with his sexy face

Myself & Silvia with that incredible Aussie Bum cake

(l-r) Parker, Scott & Jen

Nick & Silvia

(l-r) Kevin, Silvia, Nick & Courtney - the downhill progression

Myself & Silvia - yep Im geting tipsy

Johnny its like the old days in South Beach - Vodka Soda was it?

William & I

Coutrney & I getting drunker

Jarek, Sasha, Johnny, Wayne & Jarek's b/f Troy (noice)

Nick stop eating my......cake!

Little William & myself

Kobus & Olivier


Serious, guys stop it with my cake

Olivier & William.....oh & me int he background not wanting to be left out

Silvia & William

Scott, Silvia & Steven