Thats not a sausage roll
While in Boston I made friend with an acquaintance of Angel and Henry's. His name is Peter and most nights I joined him for dinner and way too many drinks. One one of our outings we got to talking about food and I had mentioend the meat pies and sauage rolls from home. Peter referred to an article that he had read in Gourmet, the magazine of food living. It refers to sauage rolls and how they are the big item in West Virgia. After our drinks that evening I dropped off into his apartment to read the article, and I was left laughing. Not only wasn't it a sausage roll as I knew it, the story itself had a hint of sexual reading. The picture in the mag of the sausage roll itself was nothing but a sauage in a bun with red onions. But below is an extract of what they wrote about it.
'A cooked roll is a wieldly handful about four inches long and resembles the border of a thick pizza. Inside. the red sticks of spicy sausage occupy a tight tunnel, the bottom of which has been moistend by their hot oil seepage.'
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