Time to say 'see you again soon' - not a goodbye
Where did those ten months go. Seriously can someone tell me what happened? I can't believe, no sorry I don't want to believe its time to head back to Sydney Australia. It seems weird, just as weird as it was when all those ten months ago I left Sydney with way too much luggage and only a ticket to New York City with the return home from San Francisco. Back then I had no fucking idea what I was going to do with myself, but all I know now is that I have a big bunch of great friends all over this country as well as in Madrid and in Brazil. My heart has been hurt along the way, and I know that I have done the same to others, others that i never ever intended on hurting or disappointing. But I left Sydney with not knowing where, when or how I was going to be living or traveling. But here I now stand, at San Francisco International airport with three of my close friends who couldn't just let me go without giving me that last one big hug, a kiss and a 'dont go'. But I need to go home to see my friends, pay off my debt, and most importantly to see my parents. I haven't seen them in over a year and I need to do just that. They are the two most important people in my life, and throughout the past ten months they have been there for me all the way. Taking care of my rental property, paying my bills, doing my tax and giving me advise along the way. They are the best.
William, Silvia, Courtney & myself @ SFO

Last look back through the security gates @ SFO

that sure was a sad day for all Jason when you left to return to Australia! I had such the amazing pleasure of spending some incredible times with you the last month you were here. that last pic of you walking towards security breaks my heart every time I see it.
The good thing is that in just 3 weeks, I will be there in Australia with you... sharing more incredible times for sure and meeting all of your friends there! See you soon!
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