Jasons Big American Adventure
Will Jason's modelling career or desire to make it big in the porn industry finally take off as he hits the US for his first ever solo tour. America look out cause he will stop at nothing to get what he wants....
Saturday, January 27, 2007
A week in NYC and now onto Boston
I spent only a week in NYC. I had the hope of catching up with my friends Shawn who works for the same employer as me (yes I do have a job), Flavio, which whom Adam and I met in Hawaii of Feb 05, Joseph (gay boy) of who was staying in the same dorm room as me in the hostel in South Beach, Michael (gay boy) of whom I also met in South Beach, and Sandy (straight boy) who also stayed in the same dorm room as me. Needless to say none of this happened, mainly because I lost my credit card on my last night in South Beach when I was out drinking with Carlos and Jean. Additionally the money that I requested to be transferred between accounts the previous week did not happen. So I was without a credit card and without cash until last Wednesday which is a bit of a dampener on socialising. And with me then leaving town to come to Boston, there just wasn't enough hours left in my last 48 hours in town.
But boy has the week been freezing. During the days the temp stayed around the freezing point (0 Celsius, 32 Fahrenheit), but at night with the wind chill factor it was getting down to temperatures that I have only heard about (-24 Celsius, -11 Fahrenheit. I couldn't get enough layers on and those $5 gloves I bought in the streets weren't worth a pinch of shit.
But during the week I did catch up with Kevin, Solomon and Parker and that is all that matters.
Sunday, January 21, 2007
New York City
I arrived back into NYC last night to a bloody blizzard, well it wasn't really one. There was a slight flurry and but I had just flown out of Miami's 75 Fahrenheit days (24 d Celsius) to NYC's 32 d Fahrenheit (zero d Celsius). What have I done!
I had to make my way from JFK to Hell's Kitchen in Manhattan as I was staying with my friend Kevin. I managed to get all the right trains and get off at the right stop, but I had to then walk a number of blocks to his house. Spending the last 10 weeks in Texas and Florida, one wasn't really prepared for the cooler climate that one had just found themself in. Thankfully Kevin during his last trip back to San Francisco was kind enough to stop by William's place and pick up all the jackets that I was going to need.
Friday, January 19, 2007
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Buns of Steel
Hehe, another funny thing on South Beach today. There was this group of three guys laying on their hired sunbeds down at the beach. One of the guys had this almighty bubble butt that looked just great as he was lying there in his black trunks, that was until he got up and went down to the waters edge. I couldn't tell if he had actually had implants put into his arse cheeks or if there was some sort of not so comfortable extra padding down the back of his swimmers. He looked so uncomfortable when he walked and it appeared as though he had two tectonic plates moving around the back of his pants. Its only the second time I have ever seen this, the first being with Adam at La Perouse beach in Sydney. Poor sod, might explain why he spent so much time lying down on his stomach while his mates were up and about swimming and walking around.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Monday, January 15, 2007
The fun never stops - The Cleavland Hotel South Beach
Again I found myself at The Palace after a day at the beach. I contacted Carlos to see if he wanted to join me. He came down with his best friend Jean, who is also his roommate, and two of their friends. After a few drinks there we moved on down the road to check out The Cleavland Hotel. Here the girls met some straight boys, Cameron and Justin, from Calgary. They were the third bunch of guys that I have met from Calgary in the last few weeks. The night was a lot of fun and it all ended with some Sushi for a late night dinner.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Just another day on South Beach
Heard the funniest thing on the beach today. An African American was walking past a friend of his that was heading in the opposite direction. He asked his friend where he was going. The friend replied to which the African American said 'well I am going over here as I need to get some sun'. The African American was as black as the ace of spades, so unless he has a huge vitamin D deficiency then I have no clue to what he hoped to achieve by lying in the sun.
The crowds are slowly but surely dying down. The beach is not so crowded and there are no longer waiting periods for a table at the restaurants in Lincon Avenue. The days on the beach have been perfect and the tan lines are coming along nicely. It's fun watching the guys towel hop. One day they are swapping numbers with one guy and the next day they are chatting up and connoodling with another. Also most of the Latino's have the thinkest penises I have ever see. They wear the smallest of swimwear to proudly show off their goods. Hardly ever do any of them lie on their towels, they and the body beautiful's always stand up. Its seems to be the way here, if you have something to show off then you stand all day. If your average or lesser then you lay down to sun yourself. I'm not complaining thou.
I have made friends with some locals so my evenings are not left with me lying around bored and idol. I still have another week and a half here is South Beach and I am planning trips to the Everglades and Key West. I have even found a day cruise to the Bahamas and I am seriously considering doing it, even thou the money isn't there.
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Monday, January 08, 2007
All alone - South Beach
Everyone has left me. Those from San Francisco have gone back, and that too of my Houston friends. I have had the last few days settling down and detoxifying, resting and soaking up the sunshine.
Yesterday after another day at the beach, and also since it was Saturday, I headed to the Palace for a beer. Just sitting there alone minding my own business when these three guys started talking to me. Their names are Aldo, Alex and Brett. They were great guys who I spent the rest of the evening with drinking and chatting back at Aldo and Alex's place. Some more decent locals that I have finally met. Once the tourist have gone the locals must come out to play.

Saturday, January 06, 2007
Oh what fun - South Beach Miami
Its been awhile since I have sat down to write about my adventure, so now its fingers to keyboard to catch up on things.
Still I can not get photos uploaded. At the internet cafe we aren't allowed to download things onto the computer, so I need to befriend a local who has a laptop.
I have a new phone so I can now be contactable. So please give me a call or text while I sit alone here on the beach in South Beach Miami
The San Francisco and Houston friends have now all gone home, and already my liver is saying thank you. Its been a wild ride over the past two weeks, and of course there are no complaints from little old me. Adam, I have kept up the tradition of the three B's. For those who don't know what that is its, Beach, Bars and Boys. Christmas Eve was magic spending it with my friends from San Francisco. We had a wonderful dinner at a restaurant called "Touches". The food was brilliant, the atmosphere was brilliant, and the company was more than I could have wished to have around me. I took the time out over dinner to call my parents at their home, midday Sydney time, but there was no answer. Immediately I thought the naughty kids were already at their neighbours place on the turps, so I called the mobile. My mum answered sounding sober, so I questioned where they were. Mum told me that had left their home town to go away as with me not being around over Christmas and being overseas, see didn't want to spend it at home as it was to upsetting. On hearing this I nearly cried, I could feel the tears welling up. She continued to tell me that they were in the town Forster, our old holiday destination on the mid north coast of New South Wales. They were sitting under shelter on the beach in the rain eating prawns (shrimps), our typical Christmas lunch meal. Again I felt this urge to shed a tear. My mum was missing me and I could hear it in her voice. After speaking to dad, as I had to get off the phone with mum before she made me collapsed to the floor in a blubbering mess, I returned to the table and reported to Johnny what my mum had said. He too was almost in tears. Any way the evening was a great success and would totally do it again.
New Years Eve weekend was a blast. After meeting some of the locals and getting a run down on where to go on what nights, we found ourselves at the right places at the right times. But NYE was spent at a club called TWILO, wow what a top night. It is one that I will be talking about for a long time. I have photos but will have to load them later (now completed)
I was lying on the beach by myself for the past few days just reflecting on what I have seen over the past two weeks. I began comparing it to my trips to Hawaii with Adam. This place is just full of beautiful people, both straight and gay, male or female. But I find that Hawaii is a more open and friendlier place. There hasn't been many people here that I find that I can talk to. If you're not the body perfect image then you're not part of the 'in crowd'. Its a good place to sit a stare, but that's about it. Don't get me wrong, I have met and made friends here, but this place is missing some warmth to it. But I have one special memory with me that I will always remember from just a few nights ago. It's always the way with me, I meet them (Alex from Calgary) just before they have to leave.
I have booked my flight out of here for January 19th, so I have a few more weeks left. Its too cold to head north and I don't have any warm clothing with me. That's also when my buddy Kevin from NYC returns from San Francisco for work where he will pick up my jackets from William for me. Thanks buddy's. So meanwhile I'll sit on the beach, in the warmth of the sun, working on my tan lines until then.
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
New Years Day
After a few hours of napping, we got up to hit the beach. It was quieter today as there was a big day club going on. After the beach we headed to our favourite 'after the beach bar' for a few drinks. Chad and the rest of the Houston boys came and joined us after being at the day club, and my little boy Carlos, and his friend Leo, joined us after finishing work.