Stick-em Up
Today started like no other day for me. I got up around 9.30am, had a couple of cups of coffee, watched some morning T.V talk shows and then showered around midday. I decided that while showering that I would use the time to catch up on some grooming, so therefore my time in the bathroom took a little longer than usual. While under the water I could hear banging of doors and I presumed it was people coming and going from the bedroom. AS I stepped out of the shower there was a loud knock at the bathroom door, so I replied 'Im just getting out of the shower'. Then there was a thump thump thump on the door. Thinking it was just an impatient resident and that there were other bathrooms that they could be using, I replied 'alright Ill just be a moment. To that came a furious round of banging on the door with the cries of 'This is the police, open the door. Soaking wet and with my towel seductively draped around me, men in uniform who wouldn't, I opened the door. There was at least half a dozen of them standing in the common area. I wished my first thoughts were 'its not my birthday, who sent the strippers, but I didn't have time as I was instructed to step out of the bathroom and into the common area where they then I was told to take a seat. The only other person, besides all the cops and I, was another resident who had been handcuffed. So I was made to sit there dripping with water in only a towel. Anyway this guy that they had in custody had apparently skipped bail, but then they interrogated me about who I was, why I was there, why was that guy in the building and how did I know him. In hind sight I should have done a Sharon Stone maneuver from Basic Instinct while answering the questions. Not once during all this did management come up and support me while I was being detained soaking wet and practically naked, or afterwards to talk to me about what happened.
I could have easily have let it all go if I was able to lye on the beach in the sun, but since being in Fort Lauderdale it has been nothing but overcast and raining. But on the upside I am tonight going out with the couple from here that I met via my Connexion web page. They went to Sydney a number of months back and asked for ideas on where and what to do. Karen I sent them to SLIDE and told them to ask for you. They went and they said that it was their most favorite place, but I don't think they asked for you. Since then we have kept in contact and now I will be spending the weekend with them and their friends. By the pictures on their Connexion page they are good looking guys, and good looking guys usually have good looking friends. I wonder if any of them are single?
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