Austin - Texas
Alan and I drove into Austin on Sunday just in time for Happy Hour, so we headed straight to the bars. We had a great night and drank and socialised until the closing of the bars. After this Alan took me to the Hostel about three miles from downtown where I was to be staying, dropped me off and headed home. This is where the night got interesting. I was locked out of the Hostel bags and all. Luckily there was a resident sitting in the common area working on their laptop, he let me in only to announce that the front desk was closed. Bugger! I called Alan but he was well and truly on his way home, and the reason for my stay at the hostel was that he has gutted most of his house and didn't have the facilities to have guests, so I told him I would just bed down on the couch in the hostel until morning. After sitting on the couch and noticing how uncomfortable it was I made the decision that I could not stay there, and in fact didn't want to. During the evening I met Alan's friend Jeff who had earlier offered me his spare guest room and said I could stay with him for as long as I wanted. He had given me his number so I gave him a call. This gem of a guy came and got me at 3.30 in the morning and made me feel at home. I have now been at Jeff's for the past six nights and I am very happy to be here. The guy has a heart of gold and has made sure that I have everything I need. This trip is about getting out there and meeting people and the experience that comes along with it. I certainly have experienced the kindness of a perfect stranger, of a truly good guy, one that has become a friend.

Downtown Austin from Congress Bridge

Austin from Mt Bonnell

Jeff and the Colarado River from Mt Bonnell
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