Its a brunch not a party

On Sunday Wiliam held a brunch at his place. A couple of us are having our birthdays over the next week or so, so we thought a party was in order and that we should have it at Williams. Will was happy enough to allow this but was adament he wasn't throwing a party, just a brunch. Therefore my requests for balloons, party hats, streamers and strippers fell on deaf ears.
William being the trooper that he is spent Saturday in the kitchen baking quiche after quiche after quiche. Then there was the salad, the crepes and the dessert. The bubbly flowed endlessly and a good time ws had by all. After the party a few of us headed of to El Rio and then after that Kevin and I went to the Castro for a night cap at the Midnight Sun. The poo r taxis drivers that had to put up with my drunken tom foolery.
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